Membership Form

If you would like to become a member of the Friends of the Emmaus
Public Library, please print the following form on your printer, fill in
the requested information, and bring it to the library--or mail to:

The Friends of the Emmaus Public Library
11 East Main Street
Emmaus, PA 18049

Name (please print)
Town                                           Zip                            Phone
Enclosed is my check for a year's membership in the amount of $
Membership type (individual, family, corporate, group)
MasterCard and Visa accepted for memberships of $25 or more.
If you prefer to use your credit card, please circle the card type:     MasterCard       Visa
Amount authorized $              Account #                                                    Expir. Date
Signature                                                     [   ] Please omit my name from donor lists
Please note if your company has a matching gift program and include name.                          

I am interested in:          Programs           Development         Hospitality          Governmental Relations
                                 Special Projects       Words on Wheels volunteer                             

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